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Edmonds Academic Year 2024-2025


đź”” Bell schedule:
The day begins at 7:30 am and concludes at 2:09 pm. If you haven’t already, please start to make any needed arrangements ahead of time to ensure your child can attend school everyday on time.

đź‘• Uniforms:
All students wear navy blue bottoms consisting of pants, shorts to the knee or skirt.
Shirts vary in color according to grade.
K-2: Yellow
3-5 :Light Blue
6-8: Gray or Black

đź’» Please visit our social media pages to see all of our points of pride!

Please click the link below to familiarize yourself with The School District of Philadelphia’s Code of Conduct.


Attention families: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that a school with certain exceptions obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, a school may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the school to the contrary in accordance with school district procedures.

Parents who wish to opt their students out of directory information releases must complete an Opt-Out Form for each of their students, and must return each form to the school at which each student is enrolled by December 13, 2024.

Find more information, including the forms you need HERE